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File List | 1997-01-07 | 17.8 KB | 257 lines |
- ACDC3210.ZIP 484,034 12-18-96 Acdsee 95 v1.0 for Win 95/NT. Great
- | graphics file viewer. Incredible Jpeg
- | decompression! Supports many different
- | file formats.
- BIOS23.ZIP 423,471 11-22-96 Matrox Millenium bios upgrade 12/96.
- BPICVU22.ZIP 537,319 10-18-96 BlackBoard PicVU v2.2 for Win 95/NT.
- | Unique picture viewer supports many of the
- | most popular formats. Has slideshow with
- | the ability to delete, rename, move, go
- | backward/ forward during the slideshow!
- CAPPR32D.ZIP 379,465 10-01-96 Capture Professional v2.51 for Win 95.
- | Versatile screen capture tool that
- | features nine capture modes (window,
- | active window, client area, etc.) and the
- | ability to capture menus and cursors. Nine
- | graphic file formats are supported in 2,
- | 16, and 16.7M colors.
- CELASM11.ZIP 623,813 11-20-96 Cel Assembler v1.1 for Win 95. Building
- | animated GIFs has never been so easy!
- CF201W95.ZIP 632,245 10-13-96 Cool Fusion v2.01 for Win 95. Mit diesem
- | Tool von Iterated Systems ist es m glich,
- | AVI Videos abzuspielen, die in WWW-Seiten
- | eingebaut sind.
- CPIC1150.ZIP 624,093 11-09-96 Compupic v1.50.157 for Windows. Graphics
- | utility features: Viewing, converting,
- | creating thumbnails, printing, zooming/
- | panning, slideshow, etc. Supports: most
- | popular graphic and video formats.
- CPIC3150.ZIP 647,860 11-09-96 Compupic32 v1.50.157 for Win 95/NT.
- DIM3D.ZIP 1,972,12 10-01-96 Dimensia 3D - 3D Image Album & Screen
- | Saver. 3D Stereogram imagery combined with
- | the Image Carousel screen saver
- | technology. Acts as an interactive Image
- | Album, allowing the user to flip through
- | each dazzling stereogram and as a screen
- | saver.
- DMPEGV2.ZIP 68,434 11-03-96 InterStream MPEG Player v2.0! Demo of an
- | MPeg Player - no sound.
- EC23DEMO.ZIP 464,959 11-15-96 E-Card v2.3 for Windows. Put image and
- | sound files together in a small,
- | self-playing package. This is ideal for
- | creatingmulti-media greetings. Several
- | sample files are included.
- ETEXT400.ZIP 568,554 10-02-96 Electronic text publisher v4.00 <ASP> Make
- | "electronic" books or magazines, such as
- | tutorials, training manuals, or even works
- | of literature. Creates professional
- | looking menu-driven .EXE programs.
- EVP204.ZIP 701,967 10-04-96 Envision Publisher v2.04 <ASP>
- | Full-featured desktop publishing program.
- | "What You See Is What You Get"
- | environment, scalable fonts, mouse-driven
- | graphical user interface, PCX images and
- | text import, object drawing, clipboard,
- | master pages, style sheets and more.
- EZEART11.ZIP 96,392 10-24-96 EzeArt v1.1 for Windows. View JPG, GIF,
- | BMP, PCX and icons. Files are viewable on
- | the fly, and can be scrolled. One can also
- | delete and rename files from the viewer.
- | Sort by name, size, type, date and
- | extension.
- EZVIEW10.ZIP 433,115 10-25-96 EZ-Viewer v1.0 for Windows 3.1. The fast,
- | easy way to view and manipulate all your
- | graphic files. Supports Jpg/ GIF/ BMP/
- | tif/ ico/ wmf/ etc. Features: Browse all
- | files in a directory, thumbnail view,
- | print, zoom in/out, resize, more.
- EZVIEW33.ZIP 413,588 10-29-96 EZ-Viewer32 v1.0 for Win 95/NT.
- FASTWORK.ZIP 532,521 10-25-96 FastWorks v2.5 for Windows. Electronic
- | brochure package that can provide up to 25
- | screens of important information as well
- | as a database of names and phone numbers.
- | Other features include an auto-dialing
- | function, WAV player, graphic viewer and
- | more.
- HYPERCAM.ZIP 176,067 11-28-96 HyperCam v1.0b6 for Windows. Captures the
- | action from your screen and saves it to
- | AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file.
- HYSNP278.ZIP 419,261 12-03-96 HyperSnap v2.78 for Win 95/NT <ASP>
- | Captures screens. Great for Web & Help
- | use. Save captures in progressive JPeg, or
- | transparent Gif, auto-select or choose BMP
- | colors, and crop captures! New feature
- | allows scrolling and simultaneous capture
- | of area off-screen.
- IMGVIEW2.ZIP 323,673 10-12-96 ImageView Beta-2 for Wibn 95/NT. View
- | startup & shutdown screens before
- | installing. Slideshow of BMP, WMF and ICO
- | files. New startup and shutdown images
- | included.
- IRVW215.ZIP 242,117 12-01-96 Irfanview32 v2.15 for Win 95/NT. Fast
- | image viever/ converter. Logo changer,
- | drag&drop support, fast directory view.
- | The first graphic viewer with Animate-GIF
- | support! Freeware.
- IV16132.ZIP 387,367 11-11-96 Imgviewer/16 Graphics Viewer v1.32 for Win
- | 3.1 <ASP> Viewer/ Printer for GIF and Jpg.
- | Easy to use viewer with quick zoom and
- | simple editing, without the overhead of
- | paint and cataloging programs.
- IV32152.ZIP 1,468,33 10-18-96 Imgviewer/32 Graphics Viewer v1.32 for Win
- | 95.
- IVIEW16.ZIP 443,541 10-11-96 Image View v1.1a for Win 3.1. Simple
- | bitmap image viewer. Supports most popular
- | grphics formats including JPG, GIF, TIF,
- | PCX, BMP, WMF and ICO.
- IVIEW32.ZIP 402,522 10-11-96 Image View v1.1a for Win 95/NT.
- JMEDIA20.ZIP 380,791 11-01-96 JMedia v2.0. The ultimate graphics program
- | for creating presentations, demos,
- | magazines, tutorials, and RIP BBS menu
- | screens. JMedia is a complete authoring
- | system.
- JVIEW60.ZIP 211,389 11-03-96 JView v6.0. RIP Scrip viewer. Fast and
- | reliable. View files with the file
- | selector or by command line. Also views
- | Windows 3 ICO files. Also includes file
- | tagging/viewing and slide show mode. Text
- | Window, Ansi Graphics and music. Freeware.
- KVEC_W11.ZIP 337,002 10-18-96 KVEC v1.1 for Win 95/NT. Convert raster
- | graphics to vector graphics.
- LOCOVW10.ZIP 1,475,97 11-19-96 LocoView95 v1.04 for Win 95 <ASP> Graphics
- | Viewer and Slideshow with Auto-fit that
- | uses full screen, one click Auto-Zoom/Pan,
- | and continuous viewing for non-stop
- | slideshows. Many formats, powerful, and
- | very stable.
- LSCUV16.ZIP 66,101 12-05-96 Lankford Screen Copy Utility v1.6. THE
- | must have utility for automating
- | capture/saving of screen images with the
- | press of a key. Support for Windows/
- | CD-ROM/ Games/ Internet/ OnLine Services
- | to quickly and easily save anything you
- | can see to a file, printer, etc.
- MA055W95.ZIP 2,430,94 10-06-96 MainActor v0.55 for Win 95/NT. Mod
- | animation package is able to load, edit,
- | play, create and save animations and
- | pictures of any size in a format
- | independent manner.
- MAND60.ZIP 473,029 11-01-96 Mandelbrot/Julia Set Gen v6.0 for Windows
- | <ASP> Fractal generator that is easy to
- | use and allows the image to be colored in
- | many ways with user choosen palettes.
- | Mandelbrot, Julia and Chaos images can be
- | created.
- MCLIP40.ZIP 68,788 11-06-96 MegaClip v4.0. Screen clipping utility.
- | Supports standard EGA/VGA and SVGA modes.
- | Open/Save PCX, BMP, RIP Icon Files, and
- | edit palettes. Includes zoom
- MCRED12.ZIP 174,875 11-04-96 Movie Credits v1.1 for Windows. Create
- | movie credits like the real thing. Use
- | your own fonts, sizes and colors to make
- | scrolling movie credits. The video player
- | will display your creation. Also includes
- | .WAV sound playback capability.
- MDIPAINT.ZIP 680,989 10-22-96 MDI Paint Demo. Shows you how to build a
- | monthly view calendar, save it as a BMP
- | file in the apps path and then paint the
- | MDI forms background with it.
- MMCARDS1.ZIP 986,728 12-03-96 Multimedia Greeting Card Maker v1.0 for
- | Windows <ASP> Create multimedia cards for
- | all occasions.
- MYMOV140.ZIP 188,152 10-01-96 MyMovies v1.40 for Windows. Plays most
- | movies, includes a movie book that you can
- | modify. Define a movie with your own
- | description and MyMovies will remember the
- | path and play the movie. Plays avi, rli,
- | mov formats.
- PCXICN30.ZIP 10,136 11-10-96 Pcx2Icn v3.0. Converts PCX files to 16
- | color RIP Icon (ICN) format.
- POSTER33.ZIP 291,304 10-20-96 Poster v3.3 for Windows <ASP> Creates huge
- | signs, posters, banners and murals. Text
- | and graphics are enlarged up to 9x9 feet.
- | Supports all true-type and ATM fonts;
- | imports from wmf, bmp, gif, jpg, txt files
- | and the clipboard.
- PWFLC171.ZIP 213,550 11-15-96 PowerFliC v1.71 for Win 95. Scripting
- | FLC/FLI player. Contrast Brightness
- | support.
- QUICKG31.ZIP 196,832 11-22-96 QuikGrid v3.1 for Windows. Reads a set of
- | scattered data points (x, y, z) which
- | represents a surface. The program will
- | generate a grid from this data and then,
- | using that grid, display the surface as a
- | contour map, or as a grid with hidden
- | lines removed.
- QVPRO211.ZIP 119,343 12-06-96 QuickView Protected Mode v2.11. Multimedia
- | Viewer including AVI with sound! Also
- | supports the video formats DL, FLI/FLC and
- | animated GIF, the sound formats WAV and
- | VOC, and the picture formats BMP, GIF, TGA
- | and more.
- S3SPD310.ZIP 10,346 10-03-96 S3 Speed Up v3.10. Speeds up banked VESA
- | modes and VGA mode 13h on S3 graphics
- | cards. Requires S3 VBE/Core 2.0 (v3.10 or
- | higher).
- S3VBE311.ZIP 20,784 11-12-96 S3 VBE/Core 2.0 v3.11. Installs a VESA
- | VBE/Core 2.0 for S3 graphics cards with a
- | VESA VBE 1.2.
- SCLIP320.ZIP 164,253 10-22-96 SuperClip v3.20 for Windows. Clipboard
- | viewer that can save all or part of the
- | image on the clipboard to a graphics file
- | in BMP, GIF, or PCX format. Includes 16
- | and 32-bit versions.
- SCRDNC.ZIP 1,422,86 10-30-96 ScreenDance v1.0G for Win 95/NT. Unique
- | music animation/audio CD player features
- | include a sound mixer, disc/track title
- | database, a library of sound-activated
- | animations, optional microphone input and
- | more.
- SDRAW95.ZIP 1,168,37 10-26-96 SmartDraw 95 v3.0 for Win 95. Powerful
- | drawing program allows you to easily
- | create great looking flowcharts, diagrams,
- | and business graphics. Features include
- | drag and drop drawing, OLE support, full
- | compatibility between 16 and 32-bit
- | versions.
- SLSHW310.ZIP 474,986 10-17-96 Multimedia Slides Shower v3.10 for
- | Windows. When activated as a scrren saver,
- | Slides Shower displays all images in the
- | directory you selected or any photo album
- | created by Images Control. Automatically
- | recognizes over 40 image formats.
- SNAGIT32.ZIP 525,330 11-14-96 SnagIt Twin Pack for Windows. Captures
- | your screen, window, scrolling window, or
- | region to the printer, clipboard, or a
- | variety of file formats, including PCX,
- | JPG, TIF, GIF and BMP.
- TP32109A.ZIP 258,950 11-27-96 Thumb Print v1.09a for Win 95. Quickly
- | view many image file types on your local
- | system without the use of a browser.
- TPCX113.ZIP 4,167 11-14-96 Tiny PCX Viewer v1.00. Smallest PCX
- | Viewer. Displays 320x200x256 PCX images.
- VIDFUN21.ZIP 1,220,57 11-19-96 VidFun v2.1 for Windows. Multimedia viewer
- | and image processor supports PhotoCD, Lead
- | RAS, CAL, Pict, AVI/Quicktime video,
- | FLI/FLC animation, and WAV/MIDI audio.
- VTEXT100.ZIP 321,219 10-02-96 Visual Text Publisher v1.0 <ASP> Makes
- | graphical, "electronic" online books or
- | magazines, such as tutorials, training
- | manuals, or even works of literature.
- | Allows you to create professional looking
- | .EXE programs.
- WINPIC20.ZIP 297,249 11-02-96 WinPics v2.0 for Windows. Provides an
- | elegant graphic presentation of your
- | favorite 256-color digitized photos. It
- | also provides security features that lock
- | Windows at start up, on demand, or
- | automatically. Intruders are met with a
- | flashing screen alarm.
- WMAND409.ZIP 204,029 10-25-96 Mandelbrot Microscope v4.09 for Windows.
- | Explore the depths of the famous
- | Mandelbrot fractal, using an extraordinary
- | palette of colors to express the delicate,
- | organic beauty of the structures you
- | discover.